
A bunch of errors while trying to run threader.py

nirzaa opened this issue · 4 comments

The script has been working for me for a long time, but since downloaded it again recently it gives me many errors while trying to run it.
Is it just me or a bug in the script?

Thank you

Really isn't helpful if you don't include what the errors are, what you are trying to do, etc.

I just downloaded it to a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 machine with Python3.8 and it works just fine.

I'm getting OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files type of error. The log file itself is quite large with many details.
I thought maybe email it to use by an .txt file, but while looking for your mail I'm getting: dievus@users.noreply.github.com

You can try changing line 73 to 200 instead of 1500. It's likely a local resource error with the increase in thread count that I recently added.

Great, thank you