
Python implementation (in progress)

Opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Ruff seems like a no-brainer
  • for static typing, seems like MyPy --strict vs pylyzer
    • the other static checkers seem to have affordances for transitioning untyped code, but we are greenfield so I don't think they make much sense
    • reddit advice is MyPy --strict, I'll go with that

We ended up dropping MyPy for pyright because pyright seems to be the only one that supports PEP 695.

The python implementation is in progress over at https://github.com/diffplug/selfie-python-wip, it will end up merged into this repo when it is closer to prod ready.

We have archived selfie-python-wip and the last bits of integration work are going to happen in this repo. We are almost done. You can follow the schedule in