forget to add root namespace in Module on line 123
abos5 opened this issue · 1 comments
abos5 commented
As Yii::import import class according to rootAlias only, using configs,
aliases '\nordsoftware\yii_account' => realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/nordsoftware/yii-account/src'), component web 'class' => '\nordsoftware\yii_account\components\WebUser',
is not working until I changed setting to
aliases 'nordsoftware' => realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../vendor/nordsoftware'), component web 'class' => '\nordsoftware\yii_account\components\WebUser', -- besides, directory "nordsoftware/yii-account/src" was moved to "nordsoftware/yii_account"
Is it an issue or is something wrong with my setting?
hugovk commented
Closing and archiving repo.