
Modal compatibility issues with datepicker and select2

firecat666 opened this issue · 4 comments

i'm using the admin template and want to use select2 and datepicker on a modal, but neither of them seems to work, i click them but nothing happens, looks like it's something related with z-index, can somebody help me???


You need to initialize the select 2 and date-picker function inside the modal box function. Then only it will work. Please refer to the below function in the bottom of the page:

Hope this will solve your purpose. If the problem still persists, please let us know.

thanks, it worked well for the date-picker but still, selet2 with search have an issue... if you click over the search input it doesn't allow type anything, just select elements


We checked select2 issue. It is bootstrap issue. But we figure out the issue and we had come up with 2 solution.

  1. Remove tabindex="-1" attribute from modal div. Refer below example :
    <div tabindex="-1" class="modal fade" id="list-dialog" style="display: none;" aria-hidden="true">

  2. Add dropdownParent in select2 function. Refer below example
    $(".select-with-search").select2({ theme: "bootstrap", dropdownParent: $("#form-dialog") });

Hope this will solve your purpose. If the problem still persists, please let us know.

Thank you very much, it worked!

keep on going propeller team