
Debian script install - MySQL

aelharda opened this issue · 2 comments

Running the installation in Debian using the provided script in the repo, i'm unable to get past this stage as it keeps looping:

`Default credentials:
Username: root

Password: [No password just hit Enter]
Enter MySQL user: root
Enter MySQL password (press Enter for no password):
Enter password:

Error: Invalid MySQL credentials. Please check your username and password.

Default credentials:
Username: root

Password: [No password just hit Enter]
Enter MySQL user:

Note, this is not an official DVWA script, it was written by IamCarron. A lot of work went into creating the script and, when it was created, it did not do anything malicious, however it is recommended you review the script before blindly running it on your system, just in case. Please report any bugs to IamCarron, not here.

My guess would be though that you've set a MariaDB root password so the error is valid, you aren't entering the correct password.