
A simple cookie consent banner

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


work in progress

A simple cookie consent banner (SCC) with Opt-IN (accept / deny) only. Very basic and small. No fancy delicate settings for different cookie types – just yes or no (of course you can label the buttons however you want).

Click here for a preview (shows /demo/index.html)

Living and working in germany, this software was made with our local and EU laws in mind so it may or may not fit your needs.

As far as I know (see disclaimer) there is no consent needed for technically necessary cookies (as they are ... technically necessary) but for (unnecessary) cookies e.g. for tracking purposes. So SCC gives you a simple tool for loading and unloading tracking related stuff depending on given consent.


I'm not a lawyer, just an online media designer & developer. So I cannot give any warranty that his consent banner does comply to the GPDR or any other local laws and rules.

Basic setup

Basically you just need the two files located in the /dist folder. The rest is developement and demo stuff you may discard.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Your document</title>
    <!-- load SCC styles -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="scc.min.css">
    Your content.

    <!-- load SCC script -->
    <script src=".scc.min.js"></script>

    <!-- set up SCC -->
        // instatiate and configure
        var scc = new SimpleCookieConsent({
            'bannerText' : "This websites uses tracking cookies",
            'bannerReadMoreText' : "Lern&nbsp;more",
            'bannerReadMoreUrl' : "http://www.example.com/privacypolice",
            'buttonAccept' : "Allow",
            'buttonDeny' : "Deny",
            'cookieLifetime' : 7200,

        // Now you can add event listeners for accept, deny & revoke
        // and execute your custom functions on each event

        // event listener for no choice (emitted from window object)
        window.addEventListener('scc-nochoice', function (e) { 
            console.log('ssc-nochoice event detected');
        }, false);

        // event listener for accept (emitted from window object)
        window.addEventListener('scc-accepted', function (e) { 
            console.log('ssc-accepted event detected');
        }, false);

        // event listener for deny (emitted from window object)
        window.addEventListener('scc-denied', function (e) { 
            console.log('ssc-denied event detected');
        }, false);

        // event listener for revoke (emitted from window object)
        window.addEventListener('scc-revoked', function (e) { 
            console.log('ssc-revoked event detected');
        }, false);

You will find this simple demo in /demo/index.html.

Configuration options

Property Default Description
className "scc"; CSS class name of consent banner
bannerText "This website uses (...))"; Banner text, you may use HTML
bannerReadMoreText "Learn more"; Text for link to privacy police
bannerReadMoreUrl ""; URL to the privacy police
buttonAccept "Accept"; Label of the button to accept
buttonDeny "Deny"; Label of the button to deny
cookieName "scc_consented"; Name of the consent state cookie
cookieLifetime 3600; Lifetime of consent state cookie in s
devMode false; Set to true for verbose consloe logs

Usefull methods

Method Description
revokeChoice() Delets the consent state cookie and emitts the scc-revoked event
showConsentBanner() (Re)creates the banner in the DOM

For an example on how you may use these methods on your site, see /demo/index.html.

Control tracking cookies with SCC


If you are using MATOMO (formerly known as PIWIK), you will a find an example in /demo/demo-matomo.html.

Google Analytics

At the moment there is no demo for the use with Google Analytics – because I personally dislike GA an encourage you to NOT giving analytic data to other companies. But I will add a demo in the future – meanwhile you may check my (german) blog post on how to do a Google Analytics OPT-IN with Osano Cookie Consent. The function for enabling / disabling GA Cookies will also work with SCC i assume.

Browser support

I testet SSC in the following browser. For Firefox, Chrome, Safari and (Blink-)Edge it should also work in older versions – but be carefull if you want to support older IEs.

Browser Version
Firefox 81.0b8
Chrome 85.0.4183.83
Safari 13.1.1
Edge 85.0.564.44
IE11 11.1082.18362.0