
Helper for loading/unloading Google Analytics 4 tracking – to be combined with a cookie consent tool

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Helper for loading/unloading Google Analytics 4 tracking and removing involved cookies – to be combined with a cookie consent tool.


Load the script (or bundle it with others to one single file)

<script src="ga4helper.js"></script>

Instantiate the helper, giving your GA4 property ID as parameter

var ga4helper = new Ga4helper('G-XXXXXXXXXX');

Now I assume you have some kind of cookie consent banner in place (not part part of this repository) where you can query and react to the consent status. So the folling code example just uses the fictional consent_status variable to determine consent status.

} else if(consent_status=='denied'){
} else {

Note that we explicit call unload() on consent denial / rejection – even if no choice has was made by the user. This is because the unload() method also tries to remove GA4 cookies from the browser.

To be honest, I don't know why but some GA cookies do re-appear after deletion and then reloading the page. I watched this behavior in Google Chrome and Safari whereas this does not happen in Firefox. So to be save, call unload() better once more than less. Alternatively, you can use bulkDeleteCookies() just for cookie deletion.



Adds the <script> element with googletagmanager to the document and initiates tracking.


Removed the <script> elements from document and tries to delete GA cookies using bulkDeleteCookies().


Tries to delete GA cookies. You don't need to call this method directly as unload() does that for you. But you can if you wan't.

Debug Mode

When instantiating Ga4helper you have to give your GA property ID as first parameter. But as second parameter you may enable the debug mode, which gives you some info on the console.

var ga4helper = new Ga4helper('G-XXXXXXXXXX', true);