
Fix this.

ofumbi opened this issue · 2 comments

$topic = '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef';
$filter = new \Ethereum\Filter(new Ethereum\EthBlockParam(), new Ethereum\EthBlockParam(), new \Ethereum\EthData($coin->contract_address) , [$topic]);
$filter_id = $ether->eth_newFilter($filter);

No class D in in ethstatic
Problem is in this file, src/Filter.php
line 76
(!is_null($this->topics)) ? $return['topics'] = EthereumStatic::valueArray($this->topics, 'D') : array();

Works after edit

(!is_null($this->topics)) ? $return['topics'] = EthereumStatic::valueArray($this->topics, '\Ethereum\EthD') : array();

src/Filter.php and EthFilter.php are weird duplicates which shouldn't exist both.
But most of all, they are generated functions.

Basically I'm currently reworking the generator code and will have a look on this soon.

Fixed in dev branch.