How can I call the contract method 'getAmountsOut' with 'address[]' params?
silsuer opened this issue · 1 comments
silsuer commented
I wath get the price from pancakeswap router contract:
$eth = new Ethereum($url);
$w = new SmartContract($abi, self::PANCAKE_SWAP_ROUTER_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, $eth);
$price = $w->getAmountsOut(
new EthQ(1, ['abi' => 'uint256'])
new EthD($path, ['abi' => 'address[]'])
I dont know how to new the address[]
ABI type object
then got the err:
substr() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
How can I fix it?
devoided commented
Did you ever get this solved?