
Show project info for covid and vaccine_sentiment

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Show project info for covid and vaccine_sentiment

Now it shows the info, but the visualisations need a fix.

  • ElasticsearchApi.get_all_data and ApisController.get_stream_graph_keywords_data
  • get_trending_tweets (ElasticsearchApi and ApisController)
  • get_trending_topics (ElasticsearchApi and ApisController)
  • ElasticsearchApi.get_predictions and ApisController.get_stream_graph_data
    • For this, the missing models need to be trained manually (probably for another issue).

I've found an overlooked problem in the ES mappings. It stores retweeted_user_id, quoted_user_id, in_reply_to_user_id, and does not store the corresponding statuses (tweet ids).

So in this respect, an additional TODO: