
Page Form View: No message alerting that saved as draft is not published

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Describe the Bug

We have messages in the page form view that are supposed to ensure the user knows his changes are not immediately published when he clicks on save as draft. However, currently, they don't seem to be showing up.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Go to the page edit form of any page that is or has any published translations in the past.
  2. Click on Save as draft
  3. See the Page "[…]" was successfully saved as draft message

Expected Behavior

In addition to the message about the successful save, the user should be warned that their changes are not published and the old version is still active. They should also be informed which version is the one currently shown to users.

Actual Behavior

These additional messages are not shown.

Additional Information

This seems to be because saving as draft currently converts the whole version history to draft. This might be fixed by #2219