
Use a consistent format for date and time

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Having a standardized date for last update makes a quick overview easier

Proposed Solution

Don't show the time and write the date using only numbers - e.g. 04.03.2024 instead of 3. März 2024 - use German date system, not the American one


Keep it, as it is

User Story

As a user of the CMS I want to be able to see that last update date clearly without distracting information so that I can get a quick overview of outdated pages


Hmm, I'd argue that time is actually relevant in many cases?
So maybe 20.02.2024 16:40 or some kind of separator between date and time, e.g. |, or , ?

Works for me too - I think the most important thing is having a standardized date.
I'd argue, however, that the time becomes relevant when comparing versions, not necessarily when comparing between pages. So maybe it's enough to save the time in the versions.

EDIT: replaced but with not as the but was mistakenly placed here

from User's perspective maybe it could be cleaner and not so clattered with TMI if we could remove time for not so relevant things like pages except for versions like @osmers suggested, events and messages

If we change last update, we also need to change created , last login, last usage and date added as well in order to be consistent with one chosen date format