Taskboard Lite ================ Taskboard Lite is a light-weight on-line whiteboard for your task and notes about life, the universe and everything. It's easy to use like a fridge door with sticky notes. You like to get things done? - Use it as a colorful todo list. Are you an agile enthusiast? - Turn in into kanban or scrum board. Inspired by: * Cognifide's Taskboard (https://github.com/CognifideLabs/taskboard) * StickyScreen (http://www.stickyscreen.org/) Icons taken from Fugue Icon set by Yusuke Kamiyamane http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com 10k Apart ----------- Basic version of Taskboard Lite packed into 10k bytes was submitted as Taskboard 10k to 10k Apart contest. This version is available in `10k` branch: http://github.com/bartaz/taskboard-lite/tree/10k LICENSE --------- Copyright 2010 Bartek Szopka. Released under MIT License.
Light-weight client-side task-board (my HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript playground)