
Can't upgrade to v1.1 due to ref to a missing branch in flake.nix

Closed this issue · 5 comments

❯ nix flake lock
       … while updating the lock file of flake 'git+file:///...'

       … while updating the flake input 'ihp'

       … while updating the flake input 'ihp/ihp-boilerplate'

       … while fetching the input 'github:digitallyinduced/ihp-boilerplate/nicolas/flake'

       error: unable to download '': HTTP error 422

       response body:

         "message": "No commit found for SHA: nicolas/flake",
         "documentation_url": ""

This was fixed with v1.2. So you can work around this issue by upgrading one more version 👍

The point is, your upgrade instructions are broken 😒 The common wisdom is upgrading from 1.0 straight to 1.2 is going to be harder than upgrading via 1.1, so perhaps you'd like to update your flake.nix in the v1.1 branch to reference an actually existing branch/tag of ihp-boilerplate:


Line 20 in 3f25e99

ihp-boilerplate.url = "github:digitallyinduced/ihp-boilerplate/nicolas/flake";

To be clear, nicolas/flake branch on the ihp-boilerplate repo doesn't exist (ostensibly it was deleted at some point).

Otherwise, it's not a great upgrade experience, to put it mildly.

The point is, your upgrade instructions are broken

👍 true. Just pushed a fix to the v1.1 branch via 7a9b112 Sorry for the bad experience and thanks for opening an issue on this :)

Sorry for the bad experience

It happens, no worries.

pushed a fix to the v1.1 branch
