
"Enabling flakes" in the installation guide is empty

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Sam here, although code seems fine

### Enabling flakes
IHP uses Nix flakes. While already widely used, they are still a quite new feature and not yet enabled by default by the Nix install scripts.
If you use IHP normally and with direnv this won't be a problem for you because all the Nix stuff is being handled for you. However, it's a good idea to enable flakes, so you can benefit from their features if you need them or want to try them out.
To enable flakes, either edit `~/.config/nix/nix.conf` (to enable just for your user) or `/etc/nix/nix.conf` (to enable flakes globally) and add the following line:
experimental-features = nix-command flakes

I suspect it's related to the above collpasibles. Not sure how those are craeted.

The collapse element is created via JS here Very likely the issue comes from that JS

I wrote a patch for this, but only just now noticed the Enabling flakes content is being inserted at the bottom of the instructions for Windows. 😮

That's probably quite confusing for Windows users!

@mpscholten thanks for merging my PR for this!!