
IHP Success Stories and Appreciation!

zacwood9 opened this issue · 3 comments

Inspired by this HN post today, I wanted to create a place where people could share their success stories and appreciation for IHP as well as the hard work @mpscholten and all the fine folks at digitiallyinduced put into this project.

Personally, I'm developing a new API and web version for my iOS app, Attics. I tried doing this in Haskell before to limited success, but with IHP the development is so much faster and enjoyable -- loving the experience so far!

Would love to hear what others are creating :)

Awesome, thanks! Really happy to see that we could build such a great community this year 😊

I'll pin this issue so more people can share their IHP projects here 🚀

s0kil commented

I've made a gist recently comparing the LOC of an Ruby on Rails project to an IHP project (with the exact same functionality.)

I've been building on an app to assist my dad to do his building inspections. It's been a great how IHP has enabled me to build this project with him in my evening hours next to a full-time job and learn Haskell at the same time. It has definitely made quarantine bearable, or fun even!

Thanks @mpscholten and the digitally induced team! 🚀