
vscode popup window issue

dharmatech opened this issue · 1 comments


Not sure if this is necessarily an issue with vscode-hsx, but I wanted to ask about it here since y'all may have seen it as well.

When I hover the mouse over an something in an [hsx|...|hsx] section, I notice two issues:

  • The popup appears far away from the mouse
  • The popup displays information unrelated to what I'm hovering over

See this video for a demonstration of the issue:

If I should report this issue in another project, let me know.

Thanks! And thanks for this vscode-hsx! I've been using it with IHP.

s0kil commented

This behavior comes from haskell-language-server itself, and currently there is no way around it.
Reference: haskell/haskell-language-server#932