
secret of type `data` created by Terraform doesn't work

jimangel opened this issue · 2 comments

Is the secret data stringData a requirement for the token secret?

I was testing adding the CCM secret via Terraform with:

# from terraform
resource "kubernetes_secret" "digitalocean_ccm_token" {
  metadata {
    name = "digitalocean"
    namespace = "kube-system"
  data = {
    access-token = var.do_token

I can validate that the secret exists, it is base64 encoded. I can decode it to match the working example of:

# from localhost
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: digitalocean
  namespace: kube-system
  access-token: $DO_PAT

When created with data in Terraform I see:

Error syncing load balancer: failed to ensure load balancer: failed to build load-balancer request: failed to list all droplets: GET 401 Unable to authenticate you

Cluster details:

Hi @jimangel

that looks pretty correct to me.

Can you verify that the base64-decoded key token matches what you'd expect by, say, comparing it to the token you must have been given through DigitalOcean's cloud control panel? If it doesn't, then I'm wondering if Terraform or some other step in the process might be encoding/decoding the data incorrectly somehow. (Carriage returns inserted where they shouldn't be has been an occasional issue to me in the past, though that's not to say it's something Terraform would susceptible to per se.)

You can easily test if your token is valid by running doctl -t <your token> account get. It should return basic account data or show the dreaded 401 response if your token turns out to be invalid.

Let me know if that helps somehow.

Hmm, maybe a false alarm / sequence of events. The following worked (and CCM worked now too):

doctl -t $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret digitalocean -o jsonpath='{.data.access-token}' | base64 --decode) account get

Thanks for the quick response!