
Disables the 3rd party module notifications / home calls


Disables 3rd party modules notifications / home calls.

Disclaimer regarding Aitoc

Aitoc does not send admin notifications anymore. The code may still exist in some of their modules but they are not sending notifications anymore. I left the code that disables their observer in order to avoid another call to an observer on the admin predispatch but they have stopped such bad practices 😉

List of disabled vendors

  • AW
  • Aitoc (see above)
  • Amasty
  • Ebizmarts MageMonkey
  • Itoris
  • Magestore
  • Mirasvit MstCore
  • Unirgy GiftCert

Feel free to do a PR to add more as this is just the list I gathered over the years, there's probably way more than this.

Release Notes


  • Fix a minor bug where a warning would be triggered


  • Renamed the app/etc/modules configuration file to ensure it comes last.


  • Added Ebizmarts MageMonkey
  • Added Itoris


  • Added Mirasvit MstCore Observers


  • Initial release