
Not working with Ruby 2.3/Jekyll 3.2.0?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

On a fresh installation of Ruby 2.3 with Jekyll 3.2.0, jekyll-minifier gives me the following error:

jekyll 3.2.0 | Error:  uninitialized class variable @@mtimes in Jekyll::StaticFile
Did you mean? @mtimes mtimes

I temporarily worked around the issue by editing line 87 of lib/jekyll-minifier.rb and changing @@mtimes for @mtimes but as I don't know ruby, I'm not sure what the implications are. :-)

Hi @arclabch I'll check it out and get back to you.
Thanks for contacting me :).

+1 - I have the same issue with exactly the same error.

It looks like the change occurred here:


Fixed in release 0.0.9, pushed to rubygems.

works great! thanks.

Great, thank you!