
D10.2.3 errors

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Could not find uActiveScript;
ctx.NotWriteEmptyField := ANotWriteEmptyField; no such thing NotWriteEmptyField
may be more?

uActiveScript.pas is in repo

ctx.NotWriteEmptyField: you should use fork instead of original superobject.

But, currently Hextor is not prepared to be compiled by everyone. It has some non-opensource dependencies from my commercial projects. So I don't think you will be able to build it, sorry.

Ok, thanks.
Can you plz then make a portable version (only exe no installation)?
These are the same files that are created by installer. Is it ok or do you need a true "portable" version that does not creates any settings files when run on user machine? I'm planning to implement it in next version
