Improve load_acf_block() if conditionals especially with showing blocks in context
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ronilaukkarinen commented
In file inc/template-tags/acf-blocks.php the long if is kinda horrific:
* Check if it's allowed to show this block in this context.
* Always allow in preview mode.
* This might happen when we build a reusable block in a page and
* then add that reusable block to post
if ( ! $is_preview ) {
$post_type = get_post_type();
if ( $post_type && 'wp_block' !== $post_type && is_array( $block['post_types'] ) && ! in_array( $post_type, $block['post_types'] ) ) {
return '';
We could improve this.
Note to self: In older Air-light versions the check against $post_type
causes block previews to disappear when it returns revision
instead of wp_block
. Not 100% sure if the newest if ( ! $is_preview ) {
check fixes this, in one project it's fixed with this if:
if ( $post_type && ( 'revision' !== $post_type && 'wp_block' !== $post_type ) && is_array( $block['post_types'] ) && ! in_array( $post_type, $block['post_types'] ) ) {
return '';
Anyhow, that if needs restructuring to something more manageable.