
This package uses github.com/osquery/osquery-go bindings to create a set of virtual tables for OSQuery.

How to install

In order to install the extension, run the following commands:

$> make && sudo make install

make will compile the extension for the linux/amd64 target; if your architecture is different, you can run make <os>/<arch> for one of the supported operating system and architecture combinations supported by the Go compiler (see go tool dist list for the list of supported combinations).

sudo make install will install the extension under /usr/lib/osquery/extensions and set it permissions as expected by the OSQuery plugin system (see the relevant documentation); moreover it will register the extension under /etc/osquery/extensions.load so it can be autoloaded by osqueryd.

In order to uninstall the extension, simply run

$> sudo make uninstall

It will undo the install process by removing the binary from the extensions directory and unregistering it from the auto-load configuration file.

How to run the extension

In order to run the extension, you need to specify an additional flag on the command line:

$> osqueryi --extensions_autoload=/etc/osquery/extensions.load

which will point the OSQuery CLI to auto-load the extensions in the configuration file.

Otherwise you can more simply run:

$> make run

How to add more tables

Each table is defined by instantiating the following struct:

type Table struct {
	Name    string
	Columns func() []table.ColumnDefinition
	Data    table.GenerateFunc

where the Columns function returns the list of columns in the table, and Data returns the list of records (each as a map[string]string).

For instance, the snap_packages table is implemented by defining the following struct (see plugin/snap/packages.go):

var Packages = &plugin.Table{
	Name: "snap_packages",
	Columns: func() []table.ColumnDefinition {
		return []table.ColumnDefinition{
	Data: listPackages,

where listPackages is the actual workhorse.

In order to register the new table, add it to the following variable in main.go:

var tables = []*plugin.Table{
	// add your tables here...

See plugin/snap/Packages for an example.