
Testing Atlas ORM Issue 86

Primary LanguagePHP

The issue

When inserting data in a loop using transactions, if the related child operation fails on any transaction after the first, then the parent is still created.

Setup test environment

create sqlite or mysql db on 'localhost' named 'testing' with user named 'test' and password 'test' or edit PDO in tests/mysql_test.php and phinx.yml to perform migration

composer update

vendor/bin/phinx migrate

I've created four files (sorry!), two for MySQL and two for Sqlite as I assumed the issue only occured with MySQL, however the problem occurs in both MySQL and Sqlite.

This only occurs when looping data.

In *fail_first the first transaction will fail and the rollback will perform correctly.

In *fail_after the previous transactions will complete successfully and the final transaction will fail, however if you check the database the parent record is created ([id] => 3)

I have run xdebug and it seems that the problem may lie in aura/sql/src/ExtendedPDO.php line 691 when $result = $this->pdo->inTransaction(); returns falsy.

Maybe it's the way I'm calling transactions, should there be a reset anywhere?