
Need Help get Text From group

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I have a group contains 2 Text() dan 1 Rectangle().
How to get the text from the group so i can modify the text.
I'm trying to use for(IPrimitive<?> text : group.asGroup().getChildNodes()) but i don't know what should i do next.

Please Help me, thanks before.

You can do it two ways, find by ID, or find by Predicate

import com.ait.tooling.common.api.java.util.function.Predicate;

        final Group group = new Group();

        final Text text_1 = new Text("One").setID("text_1");

        final Text text_2 = new Text("Two").setID("text_2");



        for (Node<?> node : group.findByID("text_1"))
            final Shape<?> shape = node.asShape();

            if (null != shape)
                if (shape.getShapeType().equals(ShapeType.TEXT))
                    final Text text = ((Text) shape);

        final Predicate<Node<?>> match = new Predicate<Node<?>>()
            public boolean test(Node<?> node)
                final Shape<?> shape = node.asShape();

                if (null != shape)
                    if (shape.getShapeType().equals(ShapeType.TEXT))
                        return true;
                return false;
        for (Node<?> node : group.find(match))
            final Text text = ((Text) node);


Predicate is much more flexible.You can do any kind of logic and testing in there.

This works from any Container, Viewport, Layer, or Group.