
Transparent Background

ErikWallstrom opened this issue · 5 comments

Hey, I really like this theme. One thing that is missing though, is transparent background in my opinion. What should I do to get a custom background?

Thank you! You could use compton to get transparent background. I've tried it once and it works well.

Jellybeans color scheme allows you to override the background color like this:

let g:jellybeans_overrides = {
\    'background': { 'guibg': '000000' },

This makes the theme use the background color the user had as background for their terminal before they started vim. Would this be possible to implement?

Yeah, I guess so. You can also override in .vimrc like hi Normal ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE

@dikiaap Oh, that was easy. I feel stupid now. Thanks a lot!

By the way, comments are quite hard to see because of their color. I guess that's by design, but I'd make them at least a bit brighter

@ErikWallstrom Great.

That's all syntax highlighting I take from material-theme and I liken it.