
The website is deployed but it's showing a white page...

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Hey there, i got through your project through Instagram but after importing all the files and deployment of the site, the site's loading just with a blank page.. Help please!

Hello, can you tell me if you deployed it on github or CodeSandBox?

On github... I'm a newbie here...

Hey try making the project on CodeSandBox , it's easier there!
Make an account at CodeSandBox, create a devbox and select react.
Copy your codes for index.html, App.css, App.tsx and paste it there.
Then delete everything on index.css and you'll have your own site!

Hey, of course you can use GitHub, but since I already used github.io for my portfolio, I used codesandbox.
Tho, if you have any issues with deploying it , you probably have to refer google or stack overflow ๐Ÿ˜…

Hey, it's working fine, you can just share the link to anyone. Great job!

Unfortunately you can't have a custom domain, you'll have to buy it from someplace else.