
Application not working and errors

farhanchoudhary opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, I've been trying to reproduce the results from this app and enhance on it, but I'm unable to run it over the flask framework. Once I upload the image, it redirects to a page not found error and stops. Other than that, the sys.args[1] throws an out of bound error. Can we connect over here or some other medium to discuss?

I think the same problem with everyone who going to use this app. Even I exactly don't know whether the error is coming due to the version of the used language or something else. Try to use the same version which i have used

So at the moment, I have made some slight modifications to the code along with some extra pre-processing, such as padding etc. The sys.args[1] argument is to be used on the command line with the name of the input text image to be passed into the python program, with an output processed image which will be used for image to text conversion. In the new version of cv2, wherever there's contour, hierarchy, it has to be replaced by _, contour, hierarchy since the function returns 3 arguments and not 2.
I am still struggling to operate it through the Flask framework application. Any inputs on that? My objective is to make 3 subsequent applications for Aadhar, Voter ID and PAN Card Image detection and storing it in a database or exporting a ready-to-use JSON. It would be great if we could collaborate.

P.S. For anyone else facing issues, I have made a slightly modified version on Python 3.6, Windows 10, with PyCharm and Spyder IDEs.

i am also new to flask and heroku. But if u will use your machine as host then it should work fine.

I'm using my machine as a host on the Flask app. Once I've uploaded the file it gives me a 404 error post upload. I think the upload is not working. How did you get the app running on the local host?

Did you get both the Aadhar & PAN Card extractions via command line or by running from the IDE? It would be helpful if you could recall the procedure to get the app up and running. I've also sent you a LinkedIn connection request, it would be great if we could network as well.


I'm getting 404 error and saying like, upload.php not found.

I have gone through the code and saw that there is an action to "upload.php" in the form tag.
But there is no upload.php file in this repository.

Can you please help me resolve this error.