Can't Export complete Board to Json file using Trellonet
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Hi, I'm using a TrelloNet to create/edit cards, to add's awesome!
But, trying to export all Json data from board, this json data resulted inside TrelloNet is very very smaller then a Json extracted in browser (using the SAME account, in browser as in Trellonet.)
One example is my principal board. at browser, it returns a 3.5 million caracters in json, but at Trellonet, the same board returns 8 thousand charcters.
Theres no observable restriction to the search in Trellonet request.
Somebody knows how to solve this? I need get the complete json information from board.
This is my actual code:
public TrelloNet.ITrello Trello { get; set; }
// .......some anether code
private Dictionary<string, string> GetJsonFromAllBoars(string organizationName)
Organization org = Trello.Organizations.WithId(organizationName);
var dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var item in Trello.Boards.ForOrganization(org))
//working on URL, then result the expected URI used in browser to get the json information
var url = item.Url.Substring(item.Url.IndexOf("/b/"), item.Url.LastIndexOf("/") - item.Url.IndexOf("/b/")) + ".json";
url = item.Url.Replace("", "");
// this is the point!!!!
dynamic json = Trello.Advanced.Get(url); // --> THIS JSON IS VERY SMALLER THEN THE OBTAINED IN BROWSER
// this is the point!!!!
dic.Add(item.Name, json.ToString());
return dic;