
assertRelation returns 404 but Laravel Nova finds it correctly

nbyloff opened this issue · 0 comments

I have a simple Team resource with fields like this:

        ->fields(new TeamUserFields),
HasMany::make('Whitelist Ips'),

The Nova UI works just fine and I can save new IP address to the team as expected. However when I run the test below it works fine on the users relation but the whitelist ips throws the error below.

$response = $this->novaDetail('teams', $team->id);
    ->assertRelation('users', function($users) {
      return $users->count() == 1;
    ->assertRelation('whitelistIps', function($ips) {
      return $ips->count() == 0;
  • Tests\Feature\Nova\UserResourceTest > team resource covered

  Undefined array key "resources"

  at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/View.php:323

When I look at the data property in the View class from the error above, it appears to show a 404 and is generating the nova-api incorrectly,

It's creating this with an incorrect resource URL slug:


When it should be:


I have tried different variations of the relationship name, but that always returns "Field not found" error from this package. I am not sure how to get the resource name to generate correctly when using these tests