
Just a productive Summer (2013); assembling my PC


Just an unusually productive Summer (2013); assembling my PC

Parts! https://pcpartpicker.com/user/BCipher/saved/#view=DCcqqs

My motivation to do this was to replace the old family computer with a viable, strong PC without going too overboard on the money. Big thanks to my father who helped fund this. Would not have been possible w/o his support. This little project literally consumed me for the two weeks it took. Newegg's tutorials, along with Tomshardware forums really gave me great insight into how to start. The feeling at the end was totally worth it, and I'm glad I took the time to work on this rather than just buying a similar computer for more than what I payed for parts. My parents still use this computer, and it works pretty well, except for the damaged hard drive. Apparently some sectors are damaged, but replacing it will be no problem (this even may not be necessary yet). This project was quintessential in my understanding of computers; I learned the parts, what each does, what the market offers in terms of best value, and I can probably diagnose something (if it isn't too deep) with the help of certain software. This project also wakened a keen interest in computer parts and a following in the latest technology great companies like Intel and AMD offer nowadays. I'm glad I decided to this, and would recommend anyone to try it out if they have th resources and definitely the passion!