
command not found: otpauth

notflip opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, thanks for this package
I extracted the contents to a folder, ran the command go get github.com/dim13/otpauth but then when I try to run the command below otpauth I get the error command not found: otpauth

I installed golang using brew, on mac.

dim13 commented

Go installs compiled binaries into its own bin directory (usually ~/go/bin). A convenient way to make them accessible is to add

export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin

to your ~/.profile (or .bashrc or .zshrc) file.

See also https://golang.org/doc/gopath_code.html#GOPATH

Aha, perfect that solves it! Thank you.

dim13 commented

I'm glad I could help you. Closing issue then.