
eBook "Scala for the Impatient" answers and notes. Learned against Scala 2.9.1

Primary LanguageScala

Hi. If you are reading this, you are brave, brave person. I have collected my answers to Scala for the Impatient since I could not find a complete set of answers anywhere.

My environment is of Scala 2.9.1 using Scala IDE/Eclipse, which some of the examples questions in the text do not seem to match. The text does not indicate the version it was written against, and so I have no idea and have not yet been able to infer. Answers that seem out of alignment in the text have been commented on as such. I also google a lot in answering, since the questions often say to "search the scala doc", which is extremely difficult for a newbie. Suffice it to say, some answers may include tricks not yet introduced explicitly in the text.

This is my first earnest effort to learn Scala (as a derivative interest to the Play (2.0) framework), and so far that I've seen. There are often many atomically-concise styles of answering problems with equivalent outcomes, but perhaps non-equivalent nuances.