
Unable to run in intellij?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: Healthcheck works
at scala.collection.immutable.Map$EmptyMap$.apply(Map.scala:225)
at scala.collection.immutable.Map$EmptyMap$.apply(Map.scala:221)
at weaver.junit.WeaverRunner.desc(WeaverRunner.scala:72)
at weaver.junit.WeaverRunner.$anonfun$notifiying$1(WeaverRunner.scala:42)
at weaver.junit.WeaverRunner.$anonfun$notifiying$1$adapted(WeaverRunner.scala:41)
at weaver.RunnableSuite.$anonfun$runUnsafe$2(suites.scala:58)
at delay @ weaver.RunnableSuite.$anonfun$runUnsafe$1(suites.scala:58)

weaver.pure.Suite incorrectly extends junit RunnableSuite by virtue of BaseIOSuite. There is no way for us to implement this contract in RunnableSuite:

def plan : List[TestName]

, given that we have a pure expression Stream[IO, Test]. (The only way to satisfy that contract would be to actually run the suite). I.e. this is expecting a suite which does imperative registration.

We must drop this contract and see whether we still have IntelliJ support by virtue of sbt / bsp. In any case the outcome needs to be documented in the readme.

43e4361 removes junit runner support, we now extend BaseCatsSuite

I can now run tests via "BSP Test" run configuration, but I get "Test framework quit unexpectedly" and no errors in idea.log