sly: Symbol's value as a variable is void
Closed this issue · 8 comments
Can someone help me understand why, in some cases, el-get
runs :after
procedures before fully loading the package? Here is a recipe snippet that exhibits the behavior.
'((:name sly
:after (define-key sly-prefix-map (kbd "M-h") 'sly-documentation-lookup)))
This is loaded in the normal way:
(setq my:el-get-packages
(loop for src in el-get-sources collect (el-get-source-name src)))
(el-get 'sync my:el-get-packages)
When emacs starts, I get this error:
Error (el-get): while initializing sly: Symbol’s value as variable is void: sly-prefix-map
Many thanks
Do you have another sly.el somewhere in your load path (eg a file with settings for sly)?
Try M-x list-load-path-shadows
No, there is nothing for sly listed there
Hmm, did you set el-get-is-lazy
Here is a recipe snippet that exhibits the behavior.
(setq el-get-sources '((:name sly :after (define-key sly-prefix-map (kbd "M-h") 'sly-documentation-lookup)))
That can't be the whole snippet, can it? You haven't defined where to install sly
Right you are. Here is a complete init.el
which reproduces the problem for me with Emacs 25.3.1 on macOS:
;; Package.el
(require 'package)
(setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "")
("marmalade" . "")
("melpa" . "")))
;; Added by Package.el. This must come before configurations of
;; installed packages. Don't delete this line. If you don't want it,
;; just comment it out by adding a semicolon to the start of the line.
;; You may delete these explanatory comments.
;; El-Get
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/el-get/el-get")
(unless (require 'el-get nil 'noerror)
(goto-char (point-max))
;; Use MELPA
(require 'el-get-elpa)
;; Build the El-Get copy of the package.el packages if we have not
;; built it before. Be sure to run this before installing new packages
(unless (file-directory-p el-get-recipe-path-elpa)
;; set local recipes
'((:name el-get)
(:name sly
:type github
:pkgname "joaotavora/sly"
:after (define-key sly-prefix-map (kbd "M-h") 'sly-documentation-lookup))))
(setq my:el-get-packages
(loop for src in el-get-sources collect (el-get-source-name src)))
;; install new packages and init already installed packages
(el-get 'sync my:el-get-packages)
And here is the error upon launching emacs:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable sly-prefix-map)
(define-key sly-prefix-map (kbd "M-h") (quote sly-documentation-lookup))
Oh, I remember how it works now. The normal case is that :after
always runs eagerly. You have to set el-get-is-lazy
, or put :lazy t
in the recipe in order to delay the evaluation.
That's great, it works!
I didn't get that at all from the docs. Are you interested in a small pull request to expand the explanation of those two lazy settings?
Thanks again
I didn't get that at all from the docs. Are you interested in a small pull request to expand the explanation of those two lazy settings?