
Install and use the interface

Closed this issue · 15 comments

Nice to test out editor.js in Directus 👍🏻

However, I can't get it to work on my Directus instance (v9.0.0-rc.95)...

  1. Downloaded a copy of your repo
  2. Run npm install in the editorjs dir
  3. Run npx directus-extension build
  4. Moved the index.js file to extensions/interfaces/editorjs
  5. Started up Directus, npm run dev
  6. My other extensions are loaded properly, but editorjs doesn't seem to be loaded
  7. Created a new JSON field, but editorjs (Blocks) isn't an interface option, no where to be found...

I had tried exact same steps and it works.

Do you see it loaded in Loaded extensions: when starting Directus?

What is your setup, npm installation (version) or with docker?

Loaded extensions: only includes my other extensions, not editorjs

I'm running a Directus clone locally (latest commit).

It's funny, but in local build of directus I do not get Loaded extensions: in console. Anyway, tried to install on latest from main, and it seems to works, but needed to restart directus few times.

Okay, weird. Testing with fresh Directus install and fresh download of editorjs extension with no luck...

What is your nodejs version, and what os?

MacOS Catalina / Big Sur

Clearing the browser cache helped in my case.

Still cannot reproduce.

npm package works for me, also using the https://github.com/dimitrov-adrian/directus-extension-editorjs-interface/releases/download/v1.0.1/index.js (from releases downloads) and putting into extensions/interfaces/editorjs/index.js works too.

I'll keep this open, if any other has such issue too.

@dimitrov-adrian Okay...

I managed to install the extension with npm install directus-extension-editorjs and the it gets loaded when starting up. But how do I add the interface to a field? I can't find it...

Skärmavbild 2021-11-29 kl  15 05 18

Screenshot of Start Page

Screenshot of Start Page (1)

Am I missing something @dimitrov-adrian ?

Actually no, I am trying to reproduce. Tried on Directus from docker and with local npm install, and on different browsers (Chrome, Safari and Firefox) but none of this make me missing the interface. I am out of ideas.


Yes, in advanced field flow

Just added it to the new field flow (with 1.0.2)

Thank you very much.

Suddenly it works for me too (with 1.0.2) 😅

Have a nice weekend!