
Slug is not saved to DB

tejasmaven opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi There,

First of all, thank you for this extension. It will save lot of time for slug-related setup to blogging/content related projects.

Now, I have setup Directus 9.8.0 and installed this extension. Issue is, I did configure it correctly but data are not saved to database. Also it does not manages slugs. Example
BlogTitle1 = blog/blogtitle1
BlogTitle2= blog/blogtitle2
BlogTitle1 = blog/blogtitle1 <- this is issue. it should change to blog/blogtitle1-1 or something else.

Can you fix and update this package?

BlogTitle1 = blog/blogtitle1 <- this is issue. it should change to blog/blogtitle1-1 or something else.

How this is suppose to be an issue, and why it should be blog/blogtitle1-1

Is this the same bug as described in #2?

Thank you for responding.

If we have 2 blog/blogtittle1 value then it will be difficult to fetch record when you read data from slug instead of ID. As clean URL we will need domain.com/blog/blogtitle1 or domain.com/blog/blogtitle2 .

Oh, I got it. But I am not sure there is a solution here as this is an interface that have the only responsibility to handle data inputs and have nothing to do with the storing logic.

I think you could add unique flag to the field so when Directus tries to store it, you will get an error for value duplication.

Thank you for your input. Will have a look based on your input.