Retina Bug
david-nguyen opened this issue · 6 comments
I'm pretty sure there is a bug with the retina, because you are calling handleSource to set the src, it calls the original dataSrc and not the split version.
I confirm this bug too, please fix it asap
+1 (used v.1.6.1)
i believe it is related to this message from changelog:
Marked breakpoints as obsolete. Will be removed in upcoming version. Use srcset and/or the picture element instead.
p.s. here is a hotfix of problem (if you can't replace src with srcset immediately):
function handleSource(ele, attr, dataAttr) {
var dataSrc = ele.getAttribute(dataAttr);
if (dataSrc) {
var dataSrcSplitted = dataSrc.split('|');
var dataSrc = dataSrcSplitted[isRetina && dataSrcSplitted.length > 1 ? 1 : 0];
ele[attr] = dataSrc;
Thanks for the code, I took a look I think this is what the author is referring to for breakpoints
// Example
var bLazy = new Blazy({
breakpoints: [{
width: 420 // max-width
, src: 'data-src-small'
, {
width: 768 // max-width
, src: 'data-src-medium'
Hey guys.
You're right. I'll fix it when I'm home from the Beach tomorrow. You can use 1.5.x or @WPJobs's hotfix until
Back from the beach :) Fixed in v. 1.6.2