
comment subcommand to post to VCS like github

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi. I like your command line utility a lot.

I use atlantis for gh terraform workflows and I would love to integrate this app with atlantis similar to infracosts latest setup.


Excerpt from above

          # Choose the commenting behavior, 'new' is a good default:
          # new: Create a new cost estimate comment on every run of Atlantis for each project.
          # update: Create a single comment and update it. The "quietest" option.
          # hide-and-new: Minimize previous comments and create a new one.
          # delete-and-new: Delete previous comments and create a new one.
          infracost comment github --repo $BASE_REPO_OWNER/$BASE_REPO_NAME \
                                   --pull-request $PULL_NUM \
                                   --path /tmp/$BASE_REPO_OWNER-$BASE_REPO_NAME-$PULL_NUM/'*'-infracost.json \
                                   --github-token $GITHUB_TOKEN \
                                   --behavior new

It would be awesome if tf-summarize could follow the same spec so it can be integrated the same way 😄

Infracost is also a golang lib and I'd be curious if its libraries could be reused to support the gh commenter (and maybe even the other VCSs)


Actually, after some additional research it looks like infracost put a lot of its comment logic in its internal subdirectory making it impossible to use as a library.

I did come across this command line utility that could be used instead of building a subcommand.


Hi @nitrocode Thanks for the issue. I agree, we can use https://github.com/cloudposse/github-commenter/ for adding comments to PR.


tf-summarize -tree tfplan | github-commenter -format "Output from `terraform plan summary:`<br/>```{{.}}```"

I assume there is not code change in tf-summarize for it. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

Next steps:

  1. We can update readme about this easy integration (after testing it out)
  2. We can have one sample github action workflow for easily trying it out

I used another workflow to comment the summary in the PR https://github.com/dineshba/tf-summarize#comment-terraform-plan-summary-in-prs

That's handy if the terraform workflows are in github actions but I don't think that method would work from an atlantis workflow