
Codefresh Example

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I use codefresh and thought I would post an example here and if you think it's useful, I can open a PR

The below makes the assumption that you have already done a terraform init etc, and are logged in to your cloud provider of choice.

I have had to use the output to json as the tfplan file was not being picked up, and also allows you to use the output.json in other places as we only create it once.

version: "1.0"

  - "plan"
  - "summarize"

    image: hashicorp/terraform:1.3.8
    title: Terraform Plan
    stage: plan
    working_directory: "${{clone}}/"
      - terraform plan -out=tfplan
      - terraform show -json tfplan > output.json
    image: europe-west2-docker.pkg.dev/<>/devops/tf-summarize:latest
    title: Show Changes
    stage: summarize
    working_directory: "${{clone}}"
      - tf-summarize output.json

Let me know if you want a PR opened for this, as I think showing how it can be used in CI would be awesome.

Hi @userbradley Thanks for using this tool and the suggestion on the Codefresh CI example.

There is already an example using github actions here. For other CI, it should be very similar to this. Do you agree with me ?

If it is very similar, I think one example should be good enough.

I would agree, how ever we had to a little trick on the json output otherwise in CI it would not work.

I think it would still be worthwhile adding it. I am happy to support users who use codefresh in troubleshooting

Sure then, please help in creating a PR with sample file and we can link to readme example section.