
Summarize changes from multiple modules

Opened this issue · 3 comments


Would like to see an option to iterate over multiple directory to generate single summarise tables of changes (add/delete/update).

Could you please share the use-case?

If we are having multiple directories, then it is multiple terraform plan and apply. Why do we want to combine the multiple directories and its plan in one view? May be sharing the use-case can understand the requirement better.

when we use tools like terragrunt, we have the option to plan and apply all the dirs at once using terragrunt run-all plan and terragrunt run-all apply command, in these case we may need to see the summarize to fetch all the changes in all the directories and give them consolidated. It would be really helpful if the directories keeps growing for different environments and projects.

Never mind, written a bash script to search and create summary for plan files within the workspace.