
Remove 'change detection'

dingbat opened this issue · 0 comments

This feature is pretty much useless. It's the thing with the 'changes' boolean pointer you can pass into a remoteFetch.

If you have persistent objects that are being updated, you should be using CoreData anyway, which supports this a lot better than NSRails.

If you're not using CoreData (which again, you should be), you're probably only looking for changes on a specific property, which can be done much better with KVO or even manually checking differences between the two states of your property. This is a lot cleaner than having to do calculate changes for the entire object (and possibly its associations) and not even letting you know what changed.

I bet no one even uses it, it undoubtedly takes a degree of a performance hit, and it gives me grief to keep supporting it. Also it's the cause of a weird RubyMotion bug (#19)

If anyone has any objections, speak now!