
Data acquisition problem

YCA-eng opened this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for your excellent work. How to download i3d_feature and slowfast_feature in the same format as yours.

Hi! For the slowfast_feature, you need to download all the files end with (.validation.tar.bz2.* and .training.tar.bz2.*) in the folder hacs-data/features from their BaiduYun link.
Then you can merge all the volumes for training or validation dataset and unzip the merged file, for example

# merge volumes
cat slowfast101.epoch9.87.52.finetune.pool.t.keep.t.s8.validation.tar.bz2* > slowfast101.epoch9.87.52.finetune.pool.t.keep.t.s8.validation.tar.bz2

#unzip the new file
tar xjvf slowfast101.epoch9.87.52.finetune.pool.t.keep.t.s8.validation.tar.bz2

You can try that, sorry I have forgotten the specific command executed at that time. If there is anything wrong with this command please let me know, thank you!