
ImportError: No module named dota_kit.poly_nms_gpu.poly_overlaps

Opened this issue · 11 comments


After running the following command. there are no poly_overlaps to import

sudo apt-get install swig
cd ${RoI_ROOT}/dota_kit
swig -c++ -python polyiou.i
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
cd ${RoI_ROOT}/dota_kit/poly_nms_gpu
make -j16

You should use the same python interpret for complile and run.

YsDTL commented

I also encountered the same problem.I used the same python interpret(python 2.7) for complile and run.

I also encountered the same problem.I used the same python interpret(python 2.7) for complile and run.

I also met this question.did you solved it?

YsDTL commented

I also encountered the same problem.I used the same python interpret(python 2.7) for complile and run.

I also met this question.did you solved it?

I have not solved it yet.

in the file add
"import sys

but it seem that another error happened
"AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PSROIALIGNAVEPooling'"

I solved this problem by modifying "..../core/rcnn.py" file,add a line ---- import sys sys.path.append("${RoI_ROOT}") at the beginning, it can work!

I also encountered the same problem.I used the same python interpret(python 2.7) for complile and run.

I also met this question.did you solved it?

I have not solved it yet.

I solved this problem by modifying "..../core/rcnn.py" file,add a line ---- import sys sys.path.append("${RoI_ROOT}") at the beginning, it can work!

I also encountered the same problem.I used the same python interpret(python 2.7) for complile and run.

I also met this question.did you solved it?

I have not solved it yet.

I solved this problem by modifying "..../core/rcnn.py" file,add a line ---- import sys sys.path.append("${RoI_ROOT}") at the beginning, it can work!

I have add "import sys
but it still has the same problem.(ImportError: No module named dota_kit.poly_nms_gpu.poly_overlaps)
Please help me thank you!

I have also been having this issue. "import sys" doesn't help at all, nor does directly editing the import path.

Also encounter this issue, compile all in the same anaconda envi,“import sys” does not help,hope author can help. @dingjiansw101
PS,Is there anything to do with MXnet?

in the file add "import sys sys.path.append("${RoI_ROOT}") " but it seem that another error happened "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PSROIALIGNAVEPooling'"

Did you solve "another error happened "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PSROIALIGNAVEPooling'"".