
Can jsmidgen work in the browser ??

Closed this issue · 2 comments

sksar commented

I want to use jsmidgen in the web browser ?? is it possible ??

You cannot do this without some additional workarounds.

If all you want to do is to play MIDI in the browser, then you can directly use the Web MIDI API (on Chrome) to do so. But if you want to play MIDI in the browser or create a MIDI file in the browser and then have it saved as a .mid file using jsmidgen, then you ll have to do a bit of work. jsmidgen works is a Node.js module and outputs binary data that you can hand write to a MIDI file.

To have it do this in the browser, I d imagine you'd need to

  • Use something like browserify to first make jsmidgen run in the browser
  • parse the incoming MIDI messages from the Web MIDI API to jsmidgen's noteOn noteOff messages on the Track object
  • Use the DOM File API (on Chrome) to construct files from bytes returned by jsmidgen

For instance, if you 'listen' to incoming MIDI data using the Web MIDI API, you ll get something like [144, 60, 127] for pressing the C4 (60) note at the highest velocity (127). In there, 144 signifies noteOn. So you ll need to convert each such message (made up of a status byte and upto 2 data bytes) into something like,

track.addNote(0, 'c4', <derive duration>);

Once you chain all the noteOn and noteOff events, you can use the getBytes method in jsdmidgen (on the File object) and use that alongside DOM File API of the (Chrome) browser to save a file to the user's disc.

sksar commented

it works perfectly fine with filesaver.js
I have tested myself and its working just fine.