
how can I install macOS 8.5?

Opened this issue · 8 comments

I'm having trouble using dingusppc because I dont know how to work it

Copy and paste from Issue #107:

The current workaround is to another emulator to initialize the disk and install to it, then use BlueSCSI to convert it to the correct format. Right now, we're refactoring disk image emulation before we attempt to fix this.

We're still trying to fix up SCSI and ATA hard drive emulation.

and how old is this emulator?

Comparatively new (work only began in 2018) and was more or less written from scratch, with MacOS itself only working starting last year. There's also the matter of it being made by a relatively small team of devs in their spare time.

is there any updates about the emulator?

Trying to get started on the direct-threaded interpreter first. But I tried out the install for Mac OS 9.2.1 (see issue #107 for proof) using a CI build. I'll get a new alpha later this year.

Right now, DPPC uses a command line and I recommend reading the user manual in the zdocs folder to understand how it works.

I hate using command lines to make emulators run

@minefox199 with respect, maybe you should spend more time working on being less negative and whiney. These guys owe you nothing.

If you don't like starting things from the CLI, write a front end for it instead of complaining. You come across as extremely entitled when you do.

sorry sorry I'm new to command lines for emulators