
Node Rest API, sample APIs developed using mongo db and express framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NodeJsRestApi - developed using express frame work + mongo db


Run the app.js file using node app.js command.

APIs description- All below three apis are of POST type- a. http://localhost:3000/user/addUser Request- { "name": "Mike Gerg", "address": "Z/2 Keptown"

} Response- { "isSuccess": true, "description": "User updated successfully!"


b. http://localhost:3000/user/findUser Request- { "name": "Mike Gerg" } Response- { "user": { "_id": "59076bed2f22880870f9c5ff", "name": "Mike Gerg", "address": "Z/2 Keptown", "__v": 0 }, "isSuccess": true, "description": null }

c. http://localhost:3000/user/addTwoNumber Request- { "numberA": "20", "numberB": "10"

} Response- { "sum": 30, "isSuccess": true, "description": null




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