
Backend not working on live site hosted on Netlify

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hello, I used your Deploy to Netlify button and everything seems to work great except I can't login to the backend. But when I cloned the repo and viewed the site locally it worked perfectly.

I tried everything I could think of to get it to work on the live site including...

But no matter what I tried, I always got the following screen in a popup after I clicking "login with GitHub" from "/admin" on the live site...

I'm about to start over, can you please tell me which of the things I tried was actually necessary if any of them. I'm starting to wonder if Netlify Identity is needed at all.

Anyways can you please help me figure out how to get the backend working on a live site hosted on Netlify?



I just had the same problem. I looked at another site and the config file had this:
name: git-gateway

Note the git-gateway, I changed it to that and it works. I also put in a index.html file in the admin folder, but I am not sure if that was needed or not. https://gist.github.com/theapplegates/e76fee3c9ff723dda2c6b1e85e82125b

The index file was mentioned in Netlify's instructions for the CMS. Hope that helps.

Great @theapplegates .
Have you tried the same solution @cmarabate ? Please, let me now.

README.md was updated to have this information:

    name: github # Local
    # name: git-gateway # Prod
    repo: _owner-name/repo-name_ # Path to your GitHub repository
    branch: master
    site_domain: _site-url_ # If site extists

Realize that you need to use name: github for local development and name: git-gateway for prod environment (netlify)