
open an associated blogpost in other languages

Closed this issue · 6 comments

maybe it is somehow possible to open the associated pages in the other languages?

if the filename is same then it maybe is easy but when the filenames are different then it should be somehow mapped?

maybe with a filename language mapping json between the translations?

Hi @muescha ! Sorry for the late response.

There is a file to control the menu for each language. See here: https://github.com/diogorodrigues/iceberg-gatsby-multilang/tree/master/config/menu

Are you talking about that?


what i do

what i expected

what i see instead

@muescha I see what you mean - did you find a workaround?

no i not have a workaround :(

@muescha I implemented what you suggested in the branch language-mapping. Thank you for the suggestions.

It is now possible to map pages by languages using a JSON file: https://github.com/diogorodrigues/iceberg-gatsby-multilang/blob/language-mapping/config/language-mapping/index.json

I will still need to improve the business logic of this implementation to ensure that it becomes more dynamic. You can check here: https://github.com/diogorodrigues/iceberg-gatsby-multilang/blob/language-mapping/src/components/Languages/index.js

@webmaeistro could you also check and give me the feedback, please?

Now this functionality is in master branch! ✌✔