
Facebook login is broken, is there no alternative?

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When I click the Login with Facebook button on icare.diowa.com I get this error:


Is there no way to log in and demo the app without Facebook?

Hi, thanks for trying icare

I've got the issue. Apparently, Facebook API do not allow to get user's email address anymore.

Is there no way to log in and demo the app without Facebook?

At the moment there isn't

Me and @cesidio would like to create a demo SSO and use it with icare, I think this is a good opportunity and finally say goodbye to Facebook

@stusherwin I've pushed a fix and now facebook login should work again.

Could you please give another try?

Facebook does not allow unpublished apps to get email.

We want to implement an example SSO and remove facebook completely

@stusherwin I've pushed a fix and now facebook login should work again.
Could you please give another try?

That worked for me locally!

We want to implement an example SSO and remove facebook completely

You could try https://auth0.com/ (free for up to 7000 users)


It took a lot of time, but I've removed Facebook from icare in favor of Auth0, thanks for the suggestion ๐ŸŽ‰

(I'm quite happy of this change: this step was required before deleting my Facebook account ๐Ÿ˜Š)

I've updated the wiki page and provided instructions on how to create a tenant and a working example


Amazing! Thank you!